Sunday, October 25, 2009

Boo At The Zoo!!

Today was a great day to visit the Columbus Zoo. The sun was shinning and Boo at the Zoo was being held this weekend. So we borrowed the twins and headed off for a day of watching animals and trick-or-treating! Judging by the penguins in the background, Jedi Jake and his two trusty Ewoks (Ethan and Elaine) must be on the ice planet of Hoth.... But how did the witch, known as Morgan, find her way here?? We stop for a photo-op. Everyone smile and say BOO!!!! It's like watching a scene from Alfred Hitchcock's, The Birds... In color!! I see Mummy made it into the picture with the kids, but where's Daddy?? It was a long, but fun day!! By the time we left the zoo, I think EVERYONE was ready for a nap!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Party At Peggy's!!

We spent the evening at Peggy's house. For the second year in a row, she hosted a party for the university's international students. The evening started with pumpkin carving.

Joe is very proud of his pumpkin!
Jake poses with his pumpkin.
Morgan shows off her gappy toothed pumpkin! The kids LOVE trying to scare people along the Terror Trail!! Jake has been looking forward to taking part in this since last Halloween!

He was thrilled to play the part of a creepy, crazy, skeletal, Army guy!! Everyone had a great time. We can't wait till next year!